Boraginaceae Cynoglossum grande Dougl. ex Lehm.

Pacific Hound's Tongue

Yuki - Food, Unspecified

Use documented by:
Chestnut, V. K., 1902, Plants Used by the Indians of Mendocino County, California, Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium 7:295-408., page 382

View all documented uses for Cynoglossum grande Dougl. ex Lehm.

Scientific name: Cynoglossum grande Dougl. ex Lehm.
USDA symbol: CYGR (View details at USDA PLANTS site)
Common names: Pacific Hound's Tongue
Family: Boraginaceae
Family (APG): Boraginaceae
Native American Tribe: Yuki
Use category: Food
Use sub-category: Unspecified
Notes: Roots cooked and used for food.

RECRD: 43385 id: 11854